BTC One-Touch
Up to 25.22% APY
These Vaults trade an Exotic Option strategy on USDC deposits, with yield paid in USDC.
Invested capital is secure unless underlying asset drops up to 25% in 28 days.
Capital is locked for 28 days and automatically rolled over to compound returns.
Product Description
Investors earn high daily yields on deposited capital, paid on expiry. If underlying asset price stays above knock-in level for 28 days, initial deposit is returned in full at expiry.
If knock-in event occurs in 28 days, at expiry the Vault pays:
The accrued yield
Principal * max( 100%, 100% + ( FinalPrice - InitialPrice ) / InitialPrice )
Vaults are a fine investment for those seeking ample yields. They suit investors with cheerful or moderately optimistic perspectives on the price of the underlying crypto asset. Partake to gain superior returns whilst keeping a hopeful eye on the market!